
Flavio Maluf conduz expansão da Eucatex com foco em sustentabilidade e inovação tecnológica

Em um momento significativo para o setor moveleiro e de construção civil brasileiro, a Eucatex confirma sua posição de destaque no mercado através de uma gestão que combina tradição, inovação e compromisso ambiental. Com 73 anos de história, a empresa, comandada por Flavio Maluf, tem demonstrado uma capacidade excepcional de adaptação às mudanças do mercado, […]

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Marcel Stalder – D’Digital-Revolutionär-Garde bie EY Schwiz

De Marcel Stalder het als neue Chef vu EY Schwiz globali Pläan. Sy Ufgab sott e richtigä digitali Transformazion sii – mitternär wo ds’Gschäfftsmodäll, d’Ungerneemenskultur und ds’Aamäldigs-Portfolio vu EY umgpflüügt wärde. Im Zäntrum vu däre Neuusrichtig stöön modärni Technologiä wie Blockchain, Smart Contracts und Krypto-Währige. Aawiis vürdruff het Stalder di traditionälli Wirtschaftsprüefigs-Brigaad i Züri scho […]

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Marcel Stalder und der digitale Umbau bei EY Schweiz

Marcel Stalder, der neue CEO von EY Schweiz, hat sich eine ehrgeizige Aufgabe vorgenommen: Er will das traditionsreiche Prüfunternehmen komplett auf eine digitale Ausrichtung trimmen. Dafür plant er, die Führungsriege radikal zu erneuern und erfahrene Fachleute durch jüngere, technikaffine “Dynamiker” zu ersetzen. Stalders Vision ist es, die Bedürfnisse moderner, digital-affiner Kunden bestmöglich zu bedienen. Er […]

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Immersive Innovation: Unveiling the Power of Virtual Reality (VR) for Customer Engagement

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, Virtual Reality (VR) has emerged as a revolutionary tool, offering businesses unprecedented opportunities to enhance customer engagement. The immersive and interactive nature of VR goes beyond traditional methods, providing a unique avenue for brands to captivate and connect with their audience. In this article, we delve into the strategies […]

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Steadfast at the Helm: Unveiling the Critical Role of Crisis Leadership in Navigating Challenges with Confidence

In the unpredictable landscape of business, crises are inevitable. Whether it’s a global pandemic, economic downturn, or unforeseen operational challenges, the ability to navigate turbulent waters with confidence rests squarely on the shoulders of effective crisis leadership. In this article, we’ll delve into the crucial importance of crisis leadership and how adept leaders guide their […]

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Beyond Guest Posts: Creative Blogger Outreach Strategies for 2023

“According to data from Orbit Media, guest posts with over 1,500 words receive 68.1% more tweets and 22.6% more Facebook likes, highlighting the growing importance of long-form content in guest blogging.” Blogger outreach has evolved significantly in recent years, transforming from a simple guest post exchange to a complex and dynamic strategy. In 2023, effective […]

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Tech Solutions

AI Empowerment through Pimeyes: Unlocking Possibilities for Beginners

In an era defined by technological advancements, understanding the fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has taken center stage. AI’s ability to replicate human-like cognitive functions has paved the way for transformative changes across industries. This guide aims to provide newcomers with an introduction to AI while highlighting how platforms like Pimeyes integrate AI to empower […]

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